
The #1 Coding Boot Camp in the USA, App Academy, is a 1,000-hour minimum, immersive software development boot camp with less than 3% acceptance rate and focuses on Full-Stack Web Development. 100+ hour weeks for 24 weeks learning the most relevant and useful technologies to build the highest quality modern websites that we see today.

This is where I became an expert in JavaScript, React / Redux, Python, Sequelize / SQL, Postgres, Node, Pug, HTML/CSS.

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Why I love to program

Programming for me has always drawn me in more than any other career path that I’ve partook in. Being able to hop onto my computer every night and research into near endless paths of information to create applications for people that they enjoy, is something that has permanently gained my attention. Work alongside open-minded employees similar to myself on projects that thousands of people use on a daily basis is what I strive to accomplish.

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About Me

From building 20+ computers at the age of 15, to running my family's hospitality business and taking it online, I've always been voracious to learn about technology and push forward into resistance. Between teaching new hires even through language barriers, to playing alongside teammates in competitive gaming scenes at LANs around the USA, working with diverse groups of people from around the world has always brought me sincere fulfillment. I've been told I'm high energy and uniquely driven to complete tasks that are seemingly impossible, the more difficult the problem the more I enjoy trying to solve it.

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My Projects

In the final 2 months of of App Academys 24 week curriculum, we were given solo and group projects to complete in a 2 week period for each project. Here are some of those projects.


A fully interactive clone website of BrainScape, where students can build flashcards to then use to study.

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My first successful clone of Instructables, where users can create/read/edit/delete projects of their own.

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Table Top Tales

My first group project with 3 other students to create a forum for users to share game stories amongst eachother.

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